Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Taste of England

Finally, after taking a 4 1/2 hour flight to JFK from Salt Lake, a 3 hour layover, and another 7 hour flight to England, I have arrived!! I'm in London baby! After traveling so much, I was pretty exhausted today as we took our luggage to our flats, went grocery shopping, and took a little tour of our neighborhood. As tired as I was, it was awesome to see some parts of London! I realized that I need far more time than the few weeks that I have here to fully appreciate and see and do everything that this amazing city as to offer! But I guess I'll just have to make the most with the time that I have :) Like I said, we took a little tour of our surrounding area tonight, and I was able to snap a few pic's, here they are...

One of the views from outside my apartment :)

Just me and the gang struttin' the town

Me and Laurs

And of course, gotta love Big Ben!

Awesome reflection on the building in the puddle, kinda cool right?
Oh Hey! Just me sitting by the fountain.

(I'm 6'... Laura is 5' (ish) it works, hah)


  1. Griff I am so jealous and totally excited for you. It looks awesome. Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome adventures!

  2. Thanks Guys :) I'm trying to make it better and more exciting... if I had the time I could.. but usually by the time we get home at night I'm pretty exhausted and just have the focus and energy to post a few pictures and write a few short sentences, but we'll see if I can spice it up a bit, hah.
